Saturday, January 5, 2013

Fancl Washing Powder

The washing powder was part of the set I bought.
I have always had trouble using washing powder, it creates a mess.... 
I always just apply to my skin directly with some water, but this was wrong...
After I watched the salesperson at Fancl demonstrate.... 

Put a bit of washing powder on the wash ball 

Put some water on your palm
Rub the side of the ball with powder on your palm in circles
You will see ffeeee foam
Repeat until you have enough foam

The foam is super soft and fine!!!
I can't believe washing powder can create such fine, puffy and soft foam
When I apply it on my face, I feel a layer of cushion between my palm and my face
haha my whole face is full of foam =P
its pH is the same as your skin, the product doesn't contain chemicals toxic to your face
It feels very fresh and clean afterwards!! 

I would recommend using this after removing your make up with cleansing oil.
Don't use it in the morning as it is considered a strong cleanser.

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